Angajam - Junior industrial automation engineer

Engineering company sited in Chisinau working as a system integrator in Industrial Automation and robotics is searching for technical personnel for vacant JUNIOR AUTOMATION ENGINEER. Requirements for our candidates are: - University degree in electric engineering or related disciplines. - Knowledge of electrical schematics. - Basic knowledge of PLC programming. - Knowledge of English language level, B1. - Availability to travel for short and long working missions worldwide. - Preferred excellent graduation score or experience of minimum 1 year. - Capability of self-training. - Preferred Knowledge of ePlan. - Preferred Knowledge of Italian language. We offer: - Long-term employment after trial period. - Economic treatment is sized on capacity and productivity. Candidates may send their CV in English language by e-mail at
Puteți transmite CV-ul la oferta de muncă de pe site-ul


  • Orarul de lucru Full time
  • Lucru de sezon Nu

Limbi străine

  • Engleză


  • Învățământul Superioare
  • Experiență Până la 2 ani

Date de contact

  • Persoana de contact Aster Ameneshewa
  • Email